I hope you all had a wondrous Christmas and a great 2007 year to come.
Update - baby Jack is adorable and for my birthday (Dec. 27th - Christmas birthdays.....don't get me started.....) Darrell is flying me to Calgary for a visit ! YAHOOOOOOOO...... I leave on the 4th until the Sunday.
House - we have really been ploughing through the jobs at the new house. I just yesterday finished the faux finish on the living room/dining room. Big job out of the way. We have also removed a sliding glass door (2 on the same wall???) and replaced it with a picture window as well as moved a wall downstairs and re-drywalled it. Lots more to do but it's coming.
So, as promised here are some before pictures of the new place. After pics will be a few days perhaps but you will get the idea of what we started with. The top pic is part of the family room - carpets ripped up, will be painted this week and the sliding glass door that is now a window.
The kitchen shows the half wall that has now been torn down and the whole kitchen has been gutted to the walls (cabinets arrive Jan. 24th) and Darrell tiled the floor in a gorgeous 18 inch tile I chose. The room that looks like a workshop is going to be the one-bedroom suite and work has already started down there. The picture of the living room/dining room is before being painted and I didn't like the bannister so we ripped that down to make a more open room. Great stone fireplace in this room.