Saturday, March 24, 2007

Is it finished yet??

Ok.I am seriously OVER the rain now. We in Victoria have been dealing with incessant rainstorms, windstorms, bizarre snowstorms and more rain. It has been such a wet winter that now the weatherman/girl grins with glee when they can see "And today, we only have light winds and an overcast grey, dreary sky". Yes, very exciting forecast isn't it? And don't get me wrong, I'm not one of those people prone to SADS or anything like that. My joy in life comes from a much deeper place and is not affected by the weather. But, I must admit that even I for a brief moment have dreamt of moving to Greece and can honestly see how sunlight-deficient humans could become prone to SADS.

So, as you can see this is simply a rant about the rain. And to cheer myself up I'm going to post a couple photos from our Awesome European vacation 3 years ago. The first one is Steve, Darrell & myself at the top of the Spanish Steps (right before I fell down them!) and the last one is Darrell & I outside of the Coliseum (which we're facing in the picture). You may have to click on them as I'm too tired to crop them for you. Ahhh.... memories of beautiful architecture and beautiful sunshine......

Signing off.


Anonymous said...

YOU FELL DOWN THE SPANISH STEPS!!! That is hilarious but were you o.k.? Those steps worried me but I still had to climb every single step and then watch all the lovely people shoot up with drugs.

This rain is starting to get on my last nerve!! Plus we're on constant flood watch and that room has just been finished. So to cheer us up we just made some oatmeal, banana chocolate chip muffins! I'll make a nice cup of tea and we'll be just fine. Love ccc

AlisonVeritas said...

ok I'll sing it for you with faith....

Rachel H. said...

Ha Ha Ha - you two lovely girls are enough to drive away any rainy day blues. Love you both you crazy whackos! XXX OOO

Elise said...

Oh glorious Italy!! Insert huge sigh here...I am daydreaming with you! Maybe we should go for some gelato to make up for it!

FooFooBerry said...


Greece looks absolutely lovely from the second photo. Poor you falling on the steps.


Sarah said...

Beautiful pics!
Ouch - not fun to fall down stairs... I did it 2 days ago in our house and now I can hardly sit...

Kelly Sommer said...

Who is the crazy one my friend. I didnt take pictures of the waiter and post them on facebook. Ok, neither did you, but I know you were trying....