Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Can't Sleep......'coz of the house......

I'm awake. It's 2:33am and I've been awake since 1am. I am never awake. Well, at night I mean - I hit the pillow and every day of my adult life someone has had to kick me out of bed to be sure I woke up the next morning. But tonight I'm awake. Truth be told, I fell asleep before 10pm and for those who know me well that will be an absolute shock. 1am seems to be the time I GO to sleep usually.

But here's the deal - as of last Wednesday I believed I was heading to work only to return at the end of the day to a normal life. But Darrell asked me to look at a house he saw earlier in the day, as there was a chance to purchase it before it hit MLS. Now here we are 5 days later and we've made an offer that's been accepted. I move in 4 weeks - AAAAGGGGGHHHHHH ! And not just move, but move into a house that we are doing some major (Darrell thinks minor!) renovations to, including putting a 1 bedroom suite into the basement. We've done this before and I do prefer my situation now where we don't have a suite but longer term, well let's just say financially we should be quite a bit ahead in a few years. HOPEfully.

So - if I don't see or call most of you in the next little while, be assured the love isn't gone. I'm just hanging around liquor stores waiting for the daily discard of cardboard boxes. Peace Out.


Rayael said...

I am very excited for you! I've already sent you contact information for some very nice flooring for your new place! Ofcoure it's for a great price. Hehehe. I'll tell ya, I hate the pack up but LOOOVE the unpack/setup. Call me, xo

Anonymous said...

Wow! Can't believe that the next time I come for a visit you will be in a different house! If you want a Christmas card you better forward a new address! Louise :)